Sunday, July 29, 2007

6, Ahhhh Good Times

Aidan turns 6 tomorrow. Time has certainly flown by, yet I can not imagine what life was like before him. As my first born he has been the teacher in many respects. I have learned so much about life through his eyes. For instance, right now he is trying to wrap himself around the concept of the almighty dollar. What a confusing set of rules, both socially and mathematically! He started to ask Grandpa for a present yesterday and Tony quickly reminded him that is not appropriate. He asked me if I wanted to get a job that made $80,000 and did not really understand why I do not. He is doing chores to earn money and has negotiated the rate with me several times. Well, extort is probably a better word. $15 for brushing your teeth is highway robbery! He is trying to learn fractions so he can understand that whole quarter thing. Couple that with trying to learn to tell time and you have a real quandary on your hands. His solution was a solid hand to his forehead in frustration. I feel that often, sometimes even with him.

Still, his tenderness comes out. He hums to his kitty which seems to calm her. He remembers to kiss me goodmorning. He plans dates with his dad so they can spend time together. At the park yesterday when Nadia lost her shoe he found it for her, without being asked by anyone and with no reward in sight.

He still gives us moments of side bending hilarity. Just the other day I was reminiscing about a dog we had once. I told of his life and briefly of his demise and of the kind words the man who ran him down offered my then 10 year old sister to which Aidan says with a sigh, "ahhhh, good times". And as Tony and I looked back at him he had the smile that burns my heart stretched across his face.

There are so many adjectives to describe Aidan, too many probably. I love that I can see bits of me and pieces of Tony in who he is, but he lives by his own rules. He has his own way of thinking. He is the epitome of individuality. When he was first expressing this individuality my mom offered sage wisdom, "Don't break his spirit". Not possible!

Friday, July 20, 2007

ahhh summer!

I was feeling melancholy earlier this week as summer starts to wind down. We are starting to talk lunch boxes and back packs and school clothes and teachers. I will miss these silly days but we still have 40 more to go!

Perspective is a funny thing. If there are 40 days left until school is out, it feels like an eternity, but if there are 40 days until school begins it feels like it will go by fast like a bunny!

Monday, July 16, 2007

To be a Maxwell

Today my family was visited by Lane, Kaid, Auntie M, Grammie and just briefly by Papa. I just love my family. There is no organization. I had no idea when everyone was coming or going, but I enjoyed every single minute with them. We sat outside, we sat at the table, we watched a little tv, we listened to the kids play. At one point I walked into Aidan's room and Kaid was sitting on the top bunk teaching Aidan how to make a paper airplane. The three boys (and let me not forget Andria and her top notch Frank Lloyd Wright house) played with legos for hours. It was just comfortable. Lane and Kaid have grown so much. Yes they are taller, I just don't know how. They are more articulate, talking more like boys now not little boys. They sound older. They hug older. They say goodbye older. My sister has always joked that she tells them to stop growing up so she can have them just like they are forever, but Lane said today, "that is just the way life is". He said it with understanding. I am telling you it is just weird to see this little boy growing up. He use to fall for my stupid tricks like 'smell my feet'. He would laugh for hours when I would put lengths of toilet paper in the edge of my mouth and blow it into the air. I didn't hear one potty joke! He is serious and funny and deliberate and cute and sweet and has a touch of a smart mouth and creative and caring and understanding and empathetic and he is a Maxwell.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

half full or half empty

Let us not focus on the half empty...
Not the fact that we spent the last week cleaning and de-cluttering for an open house that prized just two looky-loos
Not the fact that I feel bloated and irritable and just worn out
Not the fact that my sweet little Noni has reached a new high in terms of dramatic fit-throwing
Not the fact that my ever verbal Aidan has turned his power to sarcasm
Not the fact that our perfect fit piece of land has a 30 foot easement that decimates our secluded terrace leading down into a niche that would nestle a pool just so

Instead I will focus
on the fact that we will have fewer boxes to pack when we DO move
on the fact that my house is very, very clean
on the fact that I had a delicious meal served to me with love and friendship, my body is healthy and I have so many things to do that I am not bored
on the fact that Noni is increasingly loving and appreciative of people and is growing into her own person and her own way of thinking, "2 plus 2 is MORE!!!" said with such enthusiasm.
on the fact that Aidan continues to grow his vocabulary and his mastery of how words work, after discussing weddings briefly, "vows are A,E,I,O,U" and "you will need to retain your legend" said to his dragon.
on the fact that we still have a beautiful opportunity in a quiet little neighborhood and that pool will still feel cool and refreshing a few feet to the right!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Congratulations Amy and Mike! What a wonderful wedding for a deserving couple. The setting was beautiful and the food was delicious! I enjoyed the company of the guests and loved the personality of a small wedding. Thank you so much for having us there.

What can I say about Vegas?
Vegas 2
Us 0
Vegas is fun, unfortunately it is a big place with too much to do for just 2 days. Each morning I felt as if I had been run over by a truck, a very large smoking truck. Just as I was warned, it is NOT a place for children. I was disturbed by the number of very small children being dragged around at the wee hours of the morning, slung over shoulders or passed out in strollers. Mine were tucked safely away in Huntsville with Grammie and Papa. They had so much fun! They didn't cause too much damage, just a little wear and tear on nerves I think. Comments received; they don't just sit, they want to go all the time. Yep, that's them. You would think I would have been prepared for all the running around in Vegas, but no. Don't even get me started on how the plane kicked my backside. I have got to find a solution to motion sickness. We looked high and low for gingersnaps after seeing on Mythbusters that they help significantly. I guess before our next flight I will have to make my own. Wish me luck on that!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Congratulations Lindsay & Mike

This weekend Tony and I attended our friend Lindsay's wedding in Wenatchee. I am really not one for weddings because they rarely represent the people involved, but this one was truly beautiful! It was Lindsay! Every detail said relax, have fun, enjoy yourself! Lindsay was the picturesque bride, the bridal party was classic and Mike looked handsome as well, mostly because every time he looked at Lindsay he was beaming. The food was just right and the cake was simple and delicious! Everyone seemed to be making wonderful memories of a wonderful event. I wish Lindsay and Mike a lifetime of simple beauty and wonderful memories!

Also, on a separate but related note, I must say that the three SESRC ladies, (that would be the a fore mentioned Lindsay, our cute friend Cori and myself) have matured quite well. I am more often the toot-er of anothers horn not my own, but I just looked a picture of the three of us from college and we were cute and all but really, you should see us now! Cori now is a sleek, blond bombshell. Lindsay is a suave and sophisticated beauty. I can honestly say that I feel like I fit in my 30 year old skin better than I did the 22 year old skin I clung to for far too long. Well done ladies! I do miss our hours of chatting between surveys from the SESRC days but I am very happy that we can all reconnect so easily when we see each other.

Not to push the point Cori and Lindsay, but there are still two lots next to ours over here on the East side:) I can only imagine the fun we could have! I would settle for a reunion (sans headsets) though...