Thursday, January 13, 2011


thank you sunshine for bringing me temps that hovered around 59 degrees in january and brightened my mood.  especially after i spent my day traipsing from one meeting to another (albeit -shock of all shocks- productive meetings) only to have margo (the wardrobe slayer) tear a hole in my new jacket.  oh, and i am sporting the beacon of pimples on the bridge of my nose.  wanna see it? just buy a 2011 yearbook and you'll see it.  they will probably put it in a special glow in the dark section so you can get the full effect. 

thank you sunshine for giving me a little taste of spring that i was yearning for as we stretch toward these last weeks of winter. don't get me wrong winter, you give me christmas and slothmas and my birthday and sporadic days off honoring our countries finest, but even with all of those gifts i love me some toasty warm days with chirping birds and nature treks.

thank you sunshine.  i needed you today.

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