Friday, January 30, 2009
A little story
Happy Birthday BFF. I hope it is a magnificent year 31!
Happy Birthday Monique!!!!
Those who know Monique know . . .
. . . . . she has an eternal smile, even in the face of hardship
. . . . she has a voracious love for animals, especially those of the canine variety
. . .she has two beautiful boys that love her very much
. . she is a confidant, a giggler, an empathizer and a friend
. . . Monique is not her first name
. . . . she is a Coug!
. . . . . she is a great flag football player (really she is a great athlete all around)
. . . . . . she loves vegetables and fruit and angel food cake and Coca Cola
And turned 32 today ! ! !
Happy Birthday my dear friend! We are sending you the best birthday wishes from here to Oregon!
bummer: I don’t have any recent pictures of Monique because it has been ages since we have seen each other.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Whats a-happenin' hot stuff?

Passing time with a good book!
Dressing up courtesy of Auntie M!

And a Tea Party for six! Happy 4th Birthday Ainzlee!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Happy Birthday to ME!
but then...
- my brother texted me the day before my birthday (a long standing tradition)
- my sister called me at 5am, and kept her boys from calling at 4!
- my mom called me at 6am and my dad sang me happy birthday
- my husband has said happy birthday exactly 22 times so far today
- my kids sang to me this morning
- one of my classes threw me a surprise birthday party, bringing tears to these normally-dry eyes
- my friends decorated my classroom
- I found very thoughtful presents on my desk chair
- I found cards with heart-warming words
- she brought me the best chai e-ver
- two dear far-away friends sent me emails
- my father in law called
- my grandmother in law and grandfather in law called
- my niece, nephew and sister in law called and sang happy birthday
- she is also making me a cuban feast and wrote me a poem
- my sister and nephews called and sang me happy birthday
- my dear friend Monique called and wished me happy birthday
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Is it ...
a silly attempt at a ridiculous accent wall?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Wacky Wednesday
Thursday is sports day and Friday is Explorer day (the schools mascot). We will see how that turns out.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
The end of an era
This week we made the decision that our cat Shermie the Chicken needed to be put to sleep. She has been suffering from the effects of a pancreatic tumor that was diagnosed last spring. For over ten years she lived faithfully under our bed, only to come out to have her hair brushed or to get a nightly dose of affection. The tumor had one strange side effect, she became social, sort of. The tumor-induced-hunger made her impervious to all of those people who previously scared her (read: she truly did not value any human other than me). It was a difficult decision and my heart still hurts over it. Lucky or blessed don't begin to describe how I feel about the support I have had from Tony, my children, my sister and my mother, and my friend Sara. The cards, flowers and phone calls have helped more than you know.
Aidan reminded me that she is waiting on the rainbow that leads to Heaven (thank you Andria) and Nadia offered me her new phone because it can call to Heaven. These words from my kids have helped so much. Even when Nadia scolded Aidan by saying "we have to be nice to mom for a while, her cat's dead" I still felt strangely comforted.