this girl needs to buy herself a lottery ticket.
she is a lucky little thing, that one.
here's the short version...
not only does she have parents who love her to the end of the earth and the internet, but she also has neighbors watching out for her cat-loving heart.
here's the longer version...
nani is lucky in that she doesn't worry about all of the little stuff. she lets all of the things in life that send most of us to the brink of sanity just blow past her in the breeze. often we see nadia as just having her head in the clouds- off in nani-la-la land- but maybe it is just that she is so very focused on the things that matter most- her family, friends, pets and lovies- that she just doesn't bother with the rest.
lucky, and wise beyond her years.
which brings us to five very long years ago when nadia's very best lovey went missing. she is convinced that someone sneaked into our home and stole her beloved cori doll. i am pretty sure we left it somewhere. seeing our carefree nani-b hurt over losing her baby broke our hearts in a surreal and irrational way. we have found her crying in a heap in her room at odd intervals over the years about her baby, hugging a picture of her and cori. and when i say we have found her, i mean i found her like this a month ago. we continue to search every toys r us and target for a replacement, even though we contacted mattel and knew that they discontinued k9094 years ago.
another stroke of luck for that girl is that she was was born with a long memory and a tenacious spirit. she wasn't letting go. so tony and i revived our search for a cori replacement and found one!
when cori arrived in the mail (thank you ebay and florida woman for seeing her for the value she has) i immediately put laundry and when tony got home we sent nadia up to get the clean clothes out of the dryer. she was in shock and disbelief! but most importantly she is happy and knows that she is loved.
and then you know the sad
tale of the missing gordo. well that little opportunist has been hanging out with the neighbors, feasting on their cats' food, vying for attention and sleeping in the barn, for the past few weeks. i'm not sure if it is because he was sticking it to the man (the man being tony) after being put out for the day because he pooped square in the middle of our bed or if he his little itty bitty brain couldn't figure out how to get back across the fence. seriously, it is probably the latter.
she is lucky our neighbors' are good people. good people who look out for stray fat cats and keep them safe. good people who hug fat cats goodbye and hand them over to sweet faced little girls without hesitation.