Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's Fair Time!!!

I have always loved fair time. I love everything from the Parade, to the Carnival, to the exhibits (yes that includes quizzing the kids on herdsmanship in the sheep barn), to the FOOD, to the psychic lady in the shady tent, to the free music, to the heat, to the political campaigns, even to the rodeos, to the gravel parking, and most of all to see Aidan and Nadia awed at something new, something different or something so anticipated!
This year it is bittersweet. Our summer was wonderful but went by too fast. It also marks a new beginning, one that means Nadia becomes an elementary student, Aidan is in first grade and I am starting a year that has already promised many ups and downs. It is the end of my baby's babyhood, it is the end of 2 1/2 hour school days for Aidan. But we must celebrate the beginning too (at least that is what I am telling myself as I begin to really mourn our summer).

So here, here to a beginning! There is no better way to start something than with a parade!!!

My brother's family invited us to go with them to the parade. The relentless duck music proved a little too much for Aidan.
There was plenty to wave to.

It was a beautiful thing to watch Debi and I teach the children to yell as loud as possible to get the most candy thrown at them, I am certain. James and Tony enjoyed heckling the participants, they too were great at getting the candy.

1 comment:

maxcoug7 said...

I think that you meant to write encouraging a variable result instead of the "heckling" as you put it!