Monday, August 27, 2012

backpack, backpack

gotcha.  you thought this was going to be a back to school post.  nope.  no sir-ee.  my head is officially still in the sand.  instead, this is a smooshy gooshy lovey dovey post about tony.

see that backpack?
that backpack is tony taking care of us. that's what he does.  i can't tell you what that means to me.  i can't because there are no words to describe that kind of love.  that kind of appreciation.  that kind of protectiveness. 

he and i tried to come up with a word for how that feels once.   we picked schmegal.  no real word or serious word or intelligent word fits, so we picked something ridiculous that fills your mouth up with all sorts of sounds at once.   

so that's it.  i schmegal you tony. 

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

cry if i want to

i don't want it to end.
this whole getting paid while staying home thing. 
it's a pretty sweet deal. 
(excuse me while i climb atop my high and mighty teacher horse, but it's not like i didn't work at all this summer.  i had unpaid trainings, meetings to make sure next year our kids are well taken care of, emails out my wazzu to make sure that whatever part i have in helping teachers is also taken care of and planning, planning, planning.  really what i am saying is support teachers.  support education.  we all work way more than we are paid too and we are all just a smidge tired of hearing how we get the whole summer off.  i'll get off this blasted horse now.)

and tomorrow i have to go back to work.  like all day.  and the next day.  and repeat that until eternity which in this case just so happens to be june 7, 2013...

no more staying up as late as tony, just because we can.
no more sleeping in until a snuggler comes to bed to talk to me.
no more hanging out with the cool moms during swim team practice. 
no more tan legs and big floppy hats and no more tank tops and flip flops.
no more doing the laundry little by little.  too soon i will go back to saving it all up for a day of sunday washing & folding fun.
no more driving up to huntsville to visit grammie & papa just because.
 no more baking cookies in the sun.
no more running in the morning or running till way too dark, probably.
no more riding our bike to fro yo, or the open air market, or the park on a weeknight.
no more fun family fridays.

no more haphazard, lazy, spontaneous, lovely days of summer.

i want to throw a good old fashioned tantrum.  the kind where i roll around on the floor and pound my fists and spit when i yell because it is all just so unfair---when really it is not about fair and unfair.  it just feels a little unfinished.  i want to do more of all of that, make more of all of those memories. 

now it's all pencils and schedules and buses and lesson planning and blah blechity boopy barf barf.

i better change my attitiude.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

who knew?

i love camping.  like, love-love camping. 

i didn't grow up camping.  there were many failed attempts at sleeping under the stars for my sister and i.  in fact, it wasn't until my sweet little aidan convinced me to tag along on a scout camp that i actually made it all night.  i thought i loved camping last year, but now i know it.

this year we just wiggled our finger over the list of washington state parks and let it land where fate decided.  as luck would have it, we ended up at alta lake state park. 

it was perfect from the drive through the original boonies...

 to the most spectacular hike we have ever been on...
complete with brave kids and a deep theological discussion that makes us feel satisfied in the awesome people our children are becoming...

 to the crystal clear & picture perfect lake...

 to the evening popcorn popping...

to a ripe game of pictureka...

to the two hour project of fixing the coffee pot...

really, it is a little home away from home. 

home, but with ice cream every day.