Sunday, February 24, 2008

Here is the sink

aka, the bane of my home progress.

Apparently, having an apron sink is some sort of extravagant luxury that takes an extra 10 weeks even if you order way back in November and confuses even the best installers even though they have done this "hundereds of times" before and delays the tile guy who has taken up permanent residency in our shower anyway. It does look good though.

Anyhow, we (and this is where you all cross your fingers for us) should be moving in, in 2-3 weeks.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Weekend at Papa's and Grammies

Aidan and Nadia spent the weekend with their Papa and Grammy.

Nadia 'got to do whatever she wanted without anyone bugging her' (this quote came from my mom and was reiterated by Nadia. It is scary how much they think alike). Aidan spent the majority of his time helping Papa with some household maintance. Papa took him to the Hardware Store. They even detoured from their jobs to dig for Salamanders. Now we have two new pets.
Let me introduce:

Circley (Aidan's) - named so because 'his head is big and circley'

and Keena (Nadia's) -named so because 'I just wanted it'
Thanks Mom and Dad!


"negatory". "negative ghost rider". "negalicious".
Ok, so I just made that one up.

The sun has been shining, so negativity is out the window.

Yeah! Spring!

And that means I am just a few short weeks away from this...

Thursday, February 14, 2008

down with vd

It is known far and wide

(as far as my friends/family are concerned

and as wide as my words spread as I talk about the inhumanity of the world)

that I dislike Valentine’s Day.

I will not go into examples of who, when or where I have seen people be hurt by this day but let me be clear there are many examples of people ending this day with feelings of depravity, loneliness, shame of unrequited love, and even bloated egos. All counterproductive to what a day about sharing love is about.

So to ALL of you I say I hope you have a great day and I hope you feel special, loved, wanted, appreciated and love for yourself, for today and the tomorrows that come.

Sunday, February 10, 2008


Here is another pic of the progress on the house.

I wish I had something else to blog about, but this is our life right now.







and waiting some more.

We broke ground 4 months ago today. I think our anticipation is what makes this feel slow.

You tell me.

I don't dare put a possible move date on here, but maybe we should start a pool? Claim your date of actual move in the comments. Winner doesn't have to help:) Let's be specific... Move in date is the first night we sleep in the new house.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Trim, Stair railing, Tile, oh my!

There seems to be an ever-growing list of things left to do,
but this last week has shown some real progress :)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

one click leads to another

So it is Sunday morning and Tony is listening to Ed Daily and the kids are playing with their eyeclops and I am clicking away just to see where the webworld takes me.

This is where I landed...

kristin kreuk. marcia cross. krista allen. reese witherspoon...

YES! I expected the computer to say Faye Dunnaway or something.
Ok, Ok, so maybe she was on the list too, but it was fun!

You just upload a photo with your picture and they tell you what celeb you most resemble. Sounds fun? Apparently Tony looks like Tom Welling and Peirce Brosnan. Funny enough, a few clicks in and Nadia also resembles Peirce! She matched with Mary Kate Olsen and we will just forget about the match with Nick Nolte! Aidan turned up as Vince Vaughn and the girl who played Hermione!

Post your comment about who you look like (the good, the bad and of course the ugly)
Have fun!