Friday, November 2, 2007

WIth My Own Two Hands

Setting: in the car on the way home from what Tony calls, “the worst movie ev-er”, Bee Movie. It is 8:00 and Nadia has already in her nightly comatose state sitting snuggly in her pillow of a coat. Aidan is fighting off sleep like a ninja with a constant stream of words and in the background, Jack Johnson cooing at us with ‘with my own two hands’.

Aidan: Do you know what I am going to do with the money I don’t use at Disneyworld?
Dad: No, what?
Aidan: I am going to give it to Santa.
Dad: Why are you going to give it to Santa?
Aidan: Does Santa ever get any presents?
Dad: I don’t know Aidan, what do you think?
Aidan: I will buy him a present. His name is Saint Nick, you know?
Mom: That’s right.
Aidan: Will Santa ever die?
Dad: not as long as people do good things, like buy Santa a present and take care of people who take care of people.

People like you Aidan! What a kind heart you have. Thank you for being such a wonderful spirit.

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